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Current semester: SoSe 2024

Advanced Seminar: The pragmatics of intercultural communication and their didactic applicability in international school projects

  • application currently not allowed

Basic Information

Number: 4002088
Term: SuSe 2019
Hours per week in term: 2
Language: Englisch
Max. participants: 25
Registered period:


Group: - iCalendar export for Outlook
  Day Time Frequency Duration Room Room-
Lecturer Remarks Cancelled on Max. participants
iCalendar export for Outlook Th. 12:00 bis 14:00 c.t. weekly 04.04.2019 bis
Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz 3 - Raum 1.28       25
Single Terms
04.04.2019 | 11.04.2019 | 18.04.2019 | 25.04.2019 | 02.05.2019 | 09.05.2019 | 16.05.2019 | 23.05.2019 | 06.06.2019 | 13.06.2019 | 20.06.2019 | 27.06.2019 | 04.07.2019 | 11.07.2019 |
iCalendar export for Outlook Mo.  bis  singular 17.06.2019 bis
iCalendar export for Outlook We.  bis  singular 03.07.2019 bis

There are already 12 registrations / 0 of which admission granted

Group -:



In this seminar we will first look at the linguistic theory of intercultural communication. We will then conduct some practical research about its successes and challenges during a German-Amercian school project. We will therefore connect the sciences of English linguistics and English didactics. The results of this research shall shed light on how to best organise and prepare pupils for an intercultural project in order to prevent a breakdown of communication. Furthermore, it shall help pupils overcome fears of communicating with natives and instead feel encouraged and empowered. The results will be presented at a student conference here at our English department. Additionally, we will combine the results in a little booklet and as an online resource that can help teachers plan international school projects and prepare their pupils for the necessary communication well. The research tools and results presented (student conference and booklet) will form part of your module exam.

Please also mind the additional two dates that are part of this seminar:

17/06/2019 - interviews

03/07/2019 - student conference

These proposed dates are to be confirmed later on and will replace one or two regular sessions.

Responsible Instructors

Responsible Instructors Responsibilities
Kuty, Margitta, Dr. paed. begleitend
Woodcock, Maybritt verantwortlich


Graduation Curricula Phase Examination regulations version
Lehramt Gymnasium Englisch LAG 2012
Lehramt Reg. Schulen Englisch LA Reg. 2012

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